The Perks of Home Care PT & OT

One of our therapists shared us her views regarding the PERKS of Home Care PT and OT. Read on for Cheryll’s brief insights and practical explanation about the role of PT and OT in rehabilitating a patient in the comfort of their own homes!

What does a Physical Therapist do?

When you hear PHYSICAL THERAPY, the first thing that might possibly come to your mind is an out-patient clinic. You are right! However, Physical Therapist can come to your residence to give the treatment you get from a clinic. Our Physical Therapist performs pain management, ambulation training, brace fitting and training, over-all strengthening, balance training, controlling of edema, and mobility training. Perhaps, you might ask yourself, “How about equipment that I usually see in the clinic setting?”  Well, no worries! Because our Physical Therapist bring the modalities and equipment that will be necessary for your recovery like TENS, ultrasound, laser, balance equipment, and weights, just to name a few. To top them all, you don’t have to worry about getting ready or to look for somebody to take you to the clinic.

What is an Occupational Therapist?

An Occupational Therapist is often mistakenly thought as a professional that is not needed in home care. Others might not even know what does it do to patients, and how important the role it plays in rehabilitating a patient. There was once a lady who was referred to us for shoulder pain. When the Occupational Therapist assessed her, it was found out that the lady’s goal is to be able to wash and set her hair like she used to. Also, she wanted to be able to get back to her sewing hobby. After several weeks of occupational therapy sessions, she finally achieved her goals. She was able to take care of her grooming needs and was able to alter the pants of her great grandchildren. This is a classic example of how can an Occupational Therapist help you. 

Aside from making you as independent or lesser dependent on others, OTs are also the professionals that you might seek to train you to use adaptive devices for increased independence. OT’s are there to provide fit, adjust, and train you with braces and upper quadrant extremity. OT’s also provides pain management so that you will be able to carry and manipulate objects without discomfort. They can also assist you with your wheel chair needs and home modification to prevent fall/ and or make it easier for you to move around.